
Why are people with disabilities going to meetings of groups focused on relationships and sexuality?
Should groups be mixed?
Open or closed?
How can an assistant support the group?
What situations could arise and what can be done about them?

Based on our own experiences with running self-help groups as well as valuable advice and tips from colleagues from Mladá Boleslav and Plzeň, where groups are also continuing to meet, we compiled a manual for those who would like to set up a self-help group. Among other things, it contains information about why groups focused on relationships and sexuality for people with disabilities could be beneficial, what principles have to be observed so that the meetings don’t just become an educational or leisure activity. In the manual, we also summarised our observations and tips on what to look out for when establishing a group, what rules the participants should observe, what situations an assistant should be prepared for, etc.

You can find the manual HERE.